To receive video playback events, conform to the FireworkVideoPlaybackDelegate protocol, see file FireworkVideoPlaybackDelegate.swift. You could assign FireworkVideoPlaybackDelegate delegate as follows:
FireworkVideoSDK.eventTracking.videoPlaybackDelegate = // Object to receive video playback events
List of video playback events:
/// Called when a video appears on the screen but the video playback has not started
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidRecordImpression(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when a video has paused playback
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidPause(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when a video has resumed playback
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidResume(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when a video has started playing
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidStartPlaying(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when the first quarter of the video has been played
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoReachedFirstQuartile(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when the first half of the video has been played
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoReachedMidPoint(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when the third quarter of the video has been played
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoReachedThirdQuartile(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when the video reaches end of playback.
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidFinishPlaying(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when the user has tapped on the CTA button that appeared during the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidTapCTAButton(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when the user has tapped on the share button that appeared during the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidTapShareButton(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when an ad video has started playing
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidStartPlayingAd(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when the ad video reaches end of playback.
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidFinishPlayingAd(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when the video is muted.
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidMute(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when the video is unmuted.
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidUnmute(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when the user closes or skips to the other video manually.
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidClose(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when the video is automatically paused.
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidAutomaticallyPause(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
/// Called when the video is automatically resumed.
/// - Parameter videoPlayback: The details of the video playback
func fireworkVideoDidAutomaticallyResume(_ videoPlayback: VideoPlaybackDetails)
Feed event callbacks
To receive feed related events, conform to the FireworkVideoFeedDelegate protocol, see file FireworkVideoFeedDelegate.swift. You could assign FireworkVideoFeedDelegate delegate as follows:
FireworkVideoSDK.eventTracking.feedDelegate = // Object to receive feed events
List of feed events:
/// Called when the a video thumbnail is tapped by the user
/// - Parameter eventDetails: The details of the feed event
func fireworkVideoDidTapThumbnail(_ eventDetails: FeedEventDetails)
Live stream event callbacks
Live stream events can be observed by assigning a receiver as the FireworkLiveStreamEventDelegate. This will provide different methods that will be invoked at the time of each event. You could assign FireworkLiveStreamEventDelegate as follows:
// Assign a delegate
FireworkVideoSDK.eventTracking.liveStreamEventDelegate = // Object to receive live stream events
List of live stream events:
/// Delegate that handles live stream events
public protocol FireworkLiveStreamEventDelegate: AnyObject {
Called when a user joins an active live stream.
- Parameter liveStream: Details about the live stream event are included.
func fireworkLiveStreamUserDidJoin(_ liveStream: LiveStreamEventDetails)
Called when the user leaves an active live stream.
- Parameter liveStream: Details about the live stream event are included.
func fireworkLiveStreamUserDidLeave(_ liveStream: LiveStreamEventDetails)
Called when a user sends a message to an active live stream.
- Parameters:
- message: Details of the chat message sent
- liveStream: Details about the live stream event are included.
func fireworkLiveStreamUserDidSendChat(_ message: LiveStreamMessageDetails, to liveStream: LiveStreamEventDetails)
Called when a user sends a like to an active live stream.
- Parameter liveStream: Details about the live stream event are included.
func fireworkLiveStreamUserDidSendLike(_ liveStream: LiveStreamEventDetails)
Data Tracking Level
The SDK provides a way to specify the level of data tracking that should be performed. The default value is .all. To change the data tracking level, use the following API: = .essentialOnly // Only essential data will be tracked
// OR = .all // All data will be tracked
// OR = .none // No data will be tracked
External ad tracking configuration
We always report external ad tracking by default. You can disable it by the following codes: