
Along with the integration code snippet, hosting page can add a style attribute with CSS declaration to target Firework’s widget or global root.


CSS variables that apply generically for all widgets. These are recommended to be declared in global scope.



The general font colour for the whole widget


The font family for the widget to use.


Font color for primary buttons


Background color for primary buttons


Border type of primary buttons


CTA button animation


CTA button background color


Border type of CTA button


Border radius of CTA button


Color of CTA button text


Font size of CTA button


Font weight of CTA button


CTA button height


CTA button text padding

Embed Feed Styling

CSS variables for embed feed can be declared in global scope or on specific <fw-embed-feed> component. You can declare in :root, head ,body or on specific <fw-embed-feed> component.



Border radius for feed thumbnails. Defaults to 10px.


Aspect ratio of a thumbnail. Defaults to 240/400. Works in conjunction with width or height set to auto.


Custom thumbnail width. Defaults to 240px.


Custom thumbnail height. Defaults to 400px.


Gap between thumbnails. Defaults to 10px.


Customize font for video title to better match you site design.


Custom "Sponsored" badge background


Custom "Sponsored" badge font color


Thumbnail caption font size


Thumbnail caption font weight

Storyblock Styling

CSS variables for Storyblock can be declared in global scope or on specific <fw-storyblock> component. You can declare in :root, head ,body or on specific <fw-storyblock> component.



CSS string to specify storyblock background in case its visible. Defaults to black.


CSS string to specify storyblock border radius. Defaults to 10px.

Hero Unit Styling



The letter spacing for hero unit countdown


The Text Transform for hero unit countdown (eg. upper-case)


The font size for hero unit countdown


The font-weight for hero unit countdown


The flex container size for hero unit countdown


The letter spacing for hero unit content, anything below title


The Text Transform for hero unit content (eg. upper-case)


The font-weight for hero unit content


The font size for hero unit CTAs


The letter spacing for hero unit CTAs


The Text Transform for hero unit CTAs (eg. upper-case)


The font-weight for hero unit CTAs


The Text Transform for hero unit Start Time (eg. upper-case)


The font size for hero unit Start Time


The font-weight for hero unit Start Time


The line height for hero unit Start Time


The letter spacing for hero unit Start Time


The letter spacing for hero unit title


The Text Transform for hero unit title (eg. upper-case)


The font size for hero unit title


The font-weight for hero unit title


The flex container size for hero unit title


The font family of the hero unit title


The line height for hero unit countdown

Video Player

CSS variables for video player needs to be declared in global scope. :root, head or body is ok. Values applied to all Video Player instances and Storyblocks.




Video Player background color (backdrop, tiles, ...). Defaults to semi-transparent black.


Background color of chat section in fullscreen player.


Background color of commerce section in fullscreen player.


Video Player border radiuses. Defaults to 14px.


Video Player inset CSS string used when minimized. Defaults to auto 0 0 auto for bottom right corner.


Video Player height as a CSS string. Defaults to 320px or 192px for small screens.


Video Player width as a CSS string. Defaults to 180px or 108px for small screens.


Video Player margin from the edge of screen. Defaults to 16px or 8px for small screens.





--fw-product-description-font-family --fw-product-name-font-color --fw-product-subtitle-font-color --fw-product-name-font-weight --fw-product-name-letter-spacing --fw-product-name-text-transform --fw-product-image-background-color

More granular font settings for header, chat and product.

Applying CSS variables

There are multiple ways how to scope CSS variables in general.

Option 1: Target :root, html or body element to achieve broader scope:

    :root {
        --fw-player-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
        --fw-player-border-radius: 0;

Option 2: Target specific element via CSS declaration or inline style for narrow scope:

    fw-storyblock { 
        // `id` or `class` can be used as well.
        --fw-storyblock-background: transparent;    

    style="--fw-font-family: 'Roboto Slab', serif"

Styling fullscreen video element on a more broader scope (:root) might be necessary since many components do not render video within them, rather use <body> as a placement.


Remove border radius and change player backgorund to white:

    :root {
        --fw-player-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
        --fw-player-border-radius: 0;
    fw-embed-feed {
        --fw-thumbnail-border-radius: 0;

Custom font family

    @import url('');

    :root {
        --fw-font-family: "Roboto Slab", serif;

Widget Styling Attributes

List of widget attributes which can be used to alter style or UI of Firework components.





Link to custom CSS file.


CSS color value of color accents.


CSS color value of CTA button.


CSS color value of CTA button text.


Border radius style.

  • rounded radius ~14px

  • hard No radius



Coma separated values of share sheet options.

facebook,twitter,whatsapp, sms,copy,native


    ui_primary_color="rgb(255, 0, 0);"

Last updated

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